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NEW: Social Media Stats

TLDR: Ape O’Clock launch information now includes social media stats, so potential investors can see if upcoming launches are gaining hype, or not.

We’ve got stats!
Ape O’Clock now displays social media stats for launches.
For Twitter, Telegram and Discord you’ll get the number of followers or members, and for Telegram and Discord you’ll also see the number of people online. 📈
One of the main challenges our readers face is determining which launches are worth looking into further, and which ones are hot garbage.
While no metric is perfect, we are starting off with social media stats in the effort to help readers further DYOR.
One of the things I consider when investing is, “Is the hype real or manufactured?” And it’s 100% manufactured when you see a Telegram or Discord with 10k members and 32 online. It’s a way to quickly discard losers, and narrow down which projects you look into more thoroughly.
We hope you enjoy the update, and the new data!
Ape safe and happy farming,
-Ape 💚💚💚