Call Tracking

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Total Datapoints


Total Calls


Callers Tracked


Most Common Day For ATH


Avg Mins From Call To ATH

15 UTC

Most Common Hour For ATH

New Pairs

Today's Top Calls

Yesterday's Top Calls

Top Callers - All Time

Top Callers - Past 30 Days

Top Callers - Past 7 Days


Profit / loss columns assume a purchase was made immediately after the call, and it was sold at ATH after the call was made.

Calls that are detected as having rugged are highlighted in red.

The tables refresh every 60 seconds.

Top Callers (All Time & Past 30 / Past 7 Days) Analytics

Tokens that only went down after the call assume a -100% loss.

Win Rate: number of profitable calls (any % profit) / total calls.

2x Win Rate: number of calls that reach 2x / total calls


* Assumes $100 worth of the token was purchased at the call price

* Assumes any rug is -$100

* Assumes a sell is executed at the % gain indicated (100%, 500%, etc.)

* Any token that doesn’t reach the target (100%, 500%, etc.) is -$100

* The data is not normalized, so it’s affected by the number of calls a caller makes

% Rugged: number of calls detected as rugged / total calls. This figure only counts calls made since we started tracking rugs on Dec. 16, 2023.

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