YumiSwap Public Sale
New DEX / farm launch.
- Private sale will start on April 4, 6 am UTC
- Public sale will be held on the YumiPad & last for 22 hours
- Max supply: 18,921,600 YUMI
- 400,000 YUMI for public sale
- 50,000 YUMI for private sale
- 150,000 YUMI for whitelist sale
- 200,000 YUMI for initial liquidity
- $0.38 per YUMI for Whitelist sale; $0.40 per YUMI for public sale
- Listing rate: $0.50 / YUMI
- Max 5,000 USDC per wallet
- You will be able to claim your presale tokens on May 5 at 12 pm UTC
- 0.20% trading fee
- 0.1% to liquidity
- 0.05% to buyback YUMI for xYUMI
- 0.05% to treasury
- If you unstake xYUMI to YUMI within 3 days a 4% fee will be levied
- 2% to be burned
- 2% to reward pool
- No deposit withdrawal fee for the farms
- No transfer tax
- No harvest lockup
- Dividend pools
- Roadmap includes NFT marketplace & game launch
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Yumiswap/
- Discord: https://discord.com/invite/9FrUpBCXyz
- Telegram: https://t.me/yumiswapofficial
- Type of Audit, Review or KYC: Ether Authority
- Chart: https://dexscreener.com/astar/0x665F8B21878bDECa8bD94507120730a40dCd4F61
- Masterchef: https://blockscout.com/astar/address/0x665F8B21878bDECa8bD94507120730a40dCd4F61/contracts
- Contract: https://blockscout.com/astar/address/0x665F8B21878bDECa8bD94507120730a40dCd4F61/transactions
- Audit / Review: https://3324602004-files.gitbook.io/~/files/v0/b/gitbook-x-prod.appspot.com/o/spaces%2FsV0PEPfpSTzT9iLTxwRb%2Fuploads%2FxQtZPcrcXczYA7zM4twU%2FYumi-Swap%20Protocol%20-%20Smart%20Contracts%20Security%20Audit%20Report.pdf?alt=media&token=5a8b13e9-20bb-4d9c-bcc7-62a9953c64c3