WyndBlast Genesis Mint
9,000 randomly generated dragons and heroes with unique equipment, for use in their roadmapped P2E game. The game will include breeding, recruiting, forging, PVE and PVP models of play.
- 1 AVAX for each Hero and 1.5 AVAX for each Wynd
- 1.5% will go to community treasury
- 1% for marketing
- 3.5% royalties, these go to the community treasury
- You will need 1 Wynd, 1 Rider and 1 Equipment to form a full team on your own, but you can join a fight with just 1 NFT
- You will need 2 Wynds for breeding
- WL on 27 February
- Their roadmap includes genesis mint, token listing, game launch, staking feature, breeding launch and NFT marketplace creation
- Holders get access to weekly ladder, growth missions, challenges, PVP Arena and chance to win medals