VultureSwap V2 Fair & Farm Launch
New dex and farm launch on Cronos from the devs of VultureSwap. V1 token had a bug in the contract which allowed a holder mint more than the max supply and dump them, bringing the price drastically down.
V1 token holders were compensated with presale funds.
- The token will fair launch at 12:30pm UTC (the time this event is set for) and the farm will launch 1 hour later at 1:30pm UTC
- Max supply: 80,000,000 VSWAP
- 1,000,000 VSWAP for initial liquidity & compensation
- Initial price: around $0.50 / VSWAP
- 2.4 VSWAP / second
- 20% of emissions to dev
- No deposit / withdrawal fee on natives as well as non-natives
- No transfer tax
- No harvest lockup
- 0.2% trading fee for using the exchange, 0.15% is returned to the treasury and 0.05% to liquidity pools
- 50% of the trading fees received in the treasury will be used for buyback & burn
- V2 token compensation will be distributed to V1 token holders on launch
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- Type of Audit, Review or KYC: Paladin, Solidity Finance
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