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Jul 01 2022

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6:00 am

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  • Date: Jul 01 2022
  • Time: 9:00 am


ActiveApeOClock KYC

Venera Swap Launch

June 23 update – launch is on July 1.

May 25 update – launch delayed. No new date/time given.

May 25 update – there’s been no updates since May 19, so it’s unclear if this is launching on May 25 or not.

New AMM on BSC with Ape O’Clock KYC.

Launch is on May 25, no time has been announced. This time is a placeholder.

  • The initial launch has the dex, staking and farming roadmapped
  • Total supply: 1,000,000,000 VSW
    • 73% to farming rewards
    • 5% to the DAO
    • 5% to development
    • 8% to the team & marketing
    • 2% to advisors
    • 2% to airdrop
    • 4% to the presale
    • 1% to liquidity
  • 0.7 VSW / block
  • iVSW (staked, locked VSW) will be the governance token
  • In addition to regular farming, they are planning on “Boosted Farms” with increased rewards as voted on by iVSW holders
  • Regular and Boosted farms have a 1% deposit fee, to be removed at some point in the future
    • 80% of the deposit fee goes to buyback of VSW, that VSW will be redistributed to iVSW stakers
    • 20% to development and marketing
  • 0.3% fee on token swaps
    • 5/6 to liquidity providers
    • 1/6 is split with 75% going to to rewards for iVSW holders, and 25% to development and the DAO
  • 10% referral commission

Ape O’Clock KYC uses a rigorous, AML and KYC regulatory compliant identity verification process to ensure the accuracy of the identification information submitted to us.

In the event of a rugpull or “hack,” Ape O’Clock will submit the KYC’d individual’s information to law enforcement in the city / country of the KYC’d party. Ape O’Clock will NEVER reveal the KYC party’s identity to the public.

KYC is another signal to evaluate when doing your own research, but again, it does not guarantee project safety or a recovery of funds in the event of a rugpull. For more information on Ape O’Clock KYC, click here.