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Home All Events - Ape O'Clock Uniwhale Exchange Arbitrum Launch


Jul 25 2023


2:00 pm

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Jul 25 2023
  • Time: 10:00 am



Uniwhale Exchange Arbitrum Launch

Cross-chain expansion of Uniwhale’s perpetual trading platform cross-chain expansion to Arbitrum (previously launched on BSC). Early liquidity providers can earn boosted token rewards.

  • Launch Details
    • Uniwhale is a perpetual trading platform allowing users to trade crypto assets with up to 200x leverage
    • For its launch on Arbitrum, early ULP (liquidity providers) will earn a share of boosted $UNW rewards
      • Tier 1 – 0-300,000 USDT LP – up to 90,000 $UNW rewards
      • Tier 2 – 300,000-1,000,000 USDT LP – up to 265,000 $UNW rewards
      • Tier 3 – 1,000,000-2,000,000 USDT LP – up to 465,000 $UNW rewards
      • Tier 4 – 2,000,000-5,000,000 USDT LP – up to 915,000 $UNW rewards
      • Tier 5 – 5,000,000+ USDT LP – up to 1,333,333 $UNW rewards (capped)
    • $UNW rewards will be airdropped linearly over 3 months after the conclusion of the Booster ULP Early Access (no information available on the end date)
    • Early withdrawals will result in loss of rewards that have yet to be airdropped
    • Uniwhale uses a 3 token model – ULP, UNW, esUNW
      • $ULP is the liquidity token – Liquidity providers mint $ULP when they provide liquidity; $ULP can be redeemed any time in stablecoins
      • $UNW is the reward & utility token – $UNW can be converted to $esUNW (escrowed UNW)
      • $esUNW is the governance token – $esUNW can converted back into UNW by locking $esUNW over 6 months; vested linearly per block
    • $esUNW; governance token, will be native only on BSC
    • $ULP and $esUNW can be staked to earn a share of the platform’s generated revenue
    • Staking will be supported only on BSC, meaning $UNW holders on Arbitrum will have to bridge over UNW for staking
    • Tiered referral system, where users receive discount (5-20%) on trading fees and rebates on referrals
    • Cross-chain support planned on Polygon, Avalanche
Links & Resources
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