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Home All Events - Ape O'Clock Typhoon Finance LP Farms & Boardroom Launch


Aug 11 2022

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6:00 am

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Aug 11 2022
  • Time: 9:00 am



Typhoon Finance LP Farms & Boardroom Launch

August 20 – rugged.

New algorithmic stablecoin pegged to 1 WCRO on Cronos.

  • Schedule
    • LP Farms: 1:00 PM UTC
    • Boardroom: 2:00 PM UTC
  • LP Farms
    • Duration: 9 months
    • End Time: May 8, 2023 1:00 PM UTC
    • Stake LP tokens in the LP farms to earn $TSHARE rewards
    • 600,000 $TSHARE rewards distributed across the following pools:
      • $TYPHOON / WCRO LP pool
      • $TSHARE / WCRO LP pool
      • ❌ No information on the individual pool allocations
    • No deposit or withdrawal fee
    • Operator cannot drain the pools after farms ends
  • Boardroom
    • Stake $TSHARE in the boardroom to earn $TYPHOON rewards
    • During expansion, newly minted $TYPHOON rewards are distributed as follows;
      • 62% — Reward for boardroom stakers
      • 18% — DAO fund
      • 20% — Dev fund
    • Epoch time: 6 hours
    • Staked $TSHARE locked for 6 epochs
    • $TYPHOON rewards locked for 3 epochs
  • Tokens
    • $TYPHOON is the algo-stable, pegged 1:1 to WCRO
      • Initial supply: 182,011; allocated as follows:
        • 182,000 — Genesis pool
        • 11 — Initial circulating supply
    • $TSHARE is the shares token
      • Total supply: 101,001; allocated as follows:
        • 600,000 — Farming rewards (vested linearly over 270 days)
        • 500,000 — Cross-chain deployment (claim to be locked for 365 days)
        • 29,000 — Treasury fund (vested linearly over 120 days — 241.67 $TSHARE /day)
        • 60,000 — Dev fund (vested linearly over 120 days — 500 $TSHARE /day)
        • 1,000 — Held in treasury fund for marketing (no vesting)
        • 1 — Pre-mint for initial liquidity
    • $TBOND is the bond token
  • Ownership renounced for GenesisPool [tx], $TYPHOON [tx], $TBOND [tx] contracts
  • Operator transferred to Treasury for $TYPHOON [tx], $TSHARE [tx], $TBOND [tx], Boardroom [tx] contracts
  • Roadmap includes launch of TyphoonSwap, cross-chain launch, lending & borrowing
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