Tucana Finance Liquidity & dApp Launch
Nodes project on BSC.
- The presale will be held on Pinksale, here
- ❌ The team has consistently ignored or dodged questions asking for the presale and listing price of the TUCANA token, and it is not visible in the Pinksale UI at the time this post is being written
- Max supply: 10,000,000 TUCANA
- 3,000,000 for the presale
- 2,400,000 for liquidity
- ❌ There is no information on where the remaining tokens go
- Buy & sell tax: 9%
- 5% to the treasury
- 2% to “protocol maintenance” and liquidity
- 2% to reflection rewards
- 50% transfer tax to other wallets
- No claim tax
- No monthly maintenance fee
- Nodes types
- Matter – 100 TUCANA, 1.2% daily
- Atom – 500 TUCANA, 1.6% daily
- Space – 1000 TUCANA, 1.8% daily
- Nodes can be compounded to create a higher tier node – for example, 2 Atom nodes can be combined to create a Space node
Related Posts
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TucanaFinance
- Discord: https://discord.com/invite/tucanafinance
- Telegram: https://t.me/TucanaFinance
- Chart: https://dexscreener.com/bsc/0xeb14f11fAd5625450780d4dD981c15236F3C788D
- Contract: https://bscscan.com/address/0xeb14f11fAd5625450780d4dD981c15236F3C788D
- Audit / Review: https://github.com/ContractWolf/smart-contract-audits/blob/main/ContractWolf_Audit_Tucana_Finance.pdf