True City NFT Liquidity Launch
Token launch for a road-mapped survival horror metaverse MMORPG zombie P2E game on BSC.
- Launch Details
- Token will launch on PancakeSwap
- Token pair: TRU/WBNB
- Listing rate: 11,770 TRU/BNB (~$0.0231)
- Presale rate: same as listing
- 800 BNB hard cap filled in presale held on PinkSale
- No vesting for presale
- No private sale
- Initial circulating market cap: $340,000
- Initial liquidity (estimate): $261,000
- 60% of presale funds (~480 BNB) to liquidity
- 365 days lock on PinkSale
- Taxes: 0%
- Tokenomics
- Token symbol: TRU
- Total supply: 66,000,000
- 14.266% — Presale (no lock)
- 8.132% — Liquidity (1 year lock)
- 77.6% — 3 years vesting locked (5% on 12/16, then 5% monthly – lock)