TradeWix Liquidity Launch
Token launch on BSC, for a security-based coin tracking app.
- Launch Details
- Token will be listed on PancakeSwap
- Token pair: WIX/BNB
- Listing price: $0.0000078
- Presale price: $0.0000078
- Vesting: 100% unlocked at launch
- 12.44 BNB raised in Presale held on GemPad (10 BNB soft cap)
- No Private sale
- Initial liquidity (estimate): $5,000
- 70% of presale funds (~8.7 BNB)
- 180 days lock on GemPad
- Initial circulating market cap (estimate): $6,000
- Initial total market cap (estimate): $8,600
- Taxes: 5% buy | 8% sell
- dApp is live
- Mechanics & Features
- The ecosystem consists of; mobile app, NFT, staking, launchpad
- Users can mint an NFT, stake it and verify it in the app, to receive early access to launchpad IDOs
- Multi-tier staking system – stake $WIX to earn more $WIX tokens, and also higher tiers to receive benefits such as; guaranteed IDO allocations, access to FCFS IDO rounds and private deals, access to new games
- Decreasing staking fee – starts at 25% fee and decreases to 0% after 10 weeks
- Tokenomics
- Token symbol: WIX
- Total supply: 1,000,000,000
- 45% — Presale (unlocked)
- 21.5% — Liquidity (365 days lock)
- 23.5% — Locked (100% unlocks Feb 8, 2023 – lock)
- 5% buy tax
- 3% — Liquidity
- 2% — Marketing
- 8% sell tax
- 2% — Liquidity
- 1% — Marketing
- 5% — Staking rewards
- No wallet transfer tax