SteakHut Finance Liquidity & Farm Launch
New JOE aggregator / farm launch with multisig.
- Public sale was held on TraderJoe launchpad, here and started on May 1
- Max supply: 5,000,000 STEAK
- 500,000 STEAK (10% of supply) offered in public sale
- 2,500,000 STEAK to reward pool
- 1,000,000 STEAK to team vested over 12 months
- 750,000 STEAK to bonus emissions
- 250,000 STEAK to treasury
- To participate in Rocket Joe launches, you can stake their JOE to earn rJOE. Every 100 rJOE accrued allows you to allocate 1 AVAX towards the sale
- Liquidity will be added on TraderJoe
- Double farm rewards start today and last for 15 days; earn JOE and STEAK
- First 1,000,000 JOE zapped (hJOE) will receive bonus STEAK tokens at a 1:4 ratio i.e 250,000 STEAK tokens
- By staking JOE, the platform accrues veJOE
- Performance fees: 3%-20%
- 50% for buybacks and dividends
- 50% to JOE Zappers to incentivize Zapping
- No transfer tax
- No harvest lockup
- Dividend pools

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- Type of Audit, Review or KYC: Paladin
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