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Home All Events - Ape O'Clock Starburst Finance Genesis Pools Launch


Oct 14 2022

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5:00 am

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Oct 14 2022
  • Time: 8:00 am



Starburst Finance Genesis Pools Launch

October 17 update – all socials and the site are gone, although there is about $5k of liquidity left for each of their tokens.

New algorithmic stablecoin pegged 1:1 to ETH on Polygon.

  • Genesis Farms
    • Genesis farming will last for 2 days
    • 10.3 MARS rewards to be distributed across the following pools;
      • 50% — MARS/WETH LP pool
      • 25% — WMATIC pool
      • 25% — WETH pool
    • 1% deposit fee on non-native pools; 0% on native pools (MARS/WETH)
    • No withdrawal fee
    • LP farms open immediately after genesis ends
    • Genesis contract ownership renounced [tx]
  • Tokens
    • $MARS is the algo-stable token, pegged 1:1 to ETH
      • Initial supply: 11.3
        • 10.3 — Genesis farming rewards
        • 1 — Pre-mint for initial liquidity
    • $SATURN is the shares token
      • Total supply: 80,001
        • 60,000 — Farming rewards (vested linearly over 100 days)
        • 15,000 — DAO fund (vested linearly over 365 days – 500 SATURN/day )
        • 5,000 — Dev fund (vested linearly over 365 days – 166.67 SATURN/day )
        • 1 — Pre-mint for initial liquidity
    • $MOON is the bond token
    • Ownership renounced for MARS [tx] contract

