Sonic Boom Fair & Farm Launch
September 14 update – devs said they would be muting chat for 30 minutes until the farm started, but it’s been 5 hours and chat is still muted. There is $44 in liquidity, I’m not sure if they drained liquidity or if it’s a fail farm. I’ll mark it as abandoned until/unless I receive info indicating it was a malicious rug.
New farm launch. There’s a bit of a language barrier but it seems the bulk of the liquidity for the token will be provided at the same time as the farm launch.
- No max supply
- 0.05 SONIC / block
- 9.09% of emissions to dev
- 1% deposit fee for non-natives, 0% for natives
- No transfer tax
- No harvest lockups
- Type of Audit, Review or KYC: RugDoc - Some Risk
- Block Countdown:
- Chart:
- Contract:
- Audit / Review: