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Sep 12 2022

TimePacific Time

10:30 am

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Sep 12 2022
  • Time: 1:30 pm



Solswipe Mint

A collection of 6666 cards on Solana.

  • Mint Details
    • Mint will take place on Solswipe’s website
    • Mint price: 1.25 SOL (for OG & whitelist), 1.5 SOL (for public)
    • No max mint per wallet for public
    • Mint funds distribution:
      • 60% — Development
      • 20% — Marketing
      • 20% — Team
  • Utility & Roadmap
    • Solswipe provides Solana integrated, physical debit cards which users can fund (via Phantom/Solflare wallet) with crypto and use on POS, online, and Visa-accepting ATMs
    • There are 3 card tiers – Black plastic, Silver metal and Gold metal; each with varying fees and limits
    • NFT holders receive benefits such as;
      • discount on card loading fees
      • revenue share from NFT royalties and card loading fees
      • eligible to apply for a Metal card
    • Roadmap includes multi-chain expansion and integration (BSC, ETH, AVAX, NEAR, etc.), establishing white labeling partnerships with projects and partnerships with merchants, integration with other card providers, and more
Links & Resources
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