Rabbit Farm Launch
New farm launch.
- Max supply 30,000 RABBIT
- 0.05 RABBIT / block
- 4% deposit fee for non-natives, 0% for natives
- 50% to buyback and burn
- 50% to team
- No transfer tax
- No harvest lockup
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/RabbitYieldFarm
- Telegram: https://t.me/RabbitYieldFarmChat
- Type of Audit, Review or KYC: RugDoc - Some Risk
- Block Countdown: https://polygonscan.com/block/countdown/20209818
- Chart: https://polygon.poocoin.app/tokens/0x8396ea0af393d5cf910a3ef57766078f4f590391
- Masterchef: https://polygonscan.com/address/0x59d3116b7b49b3f5a6c17adeb4b456b1bba40611
- Audit / Review: https://rugdoc.io/project/rabbit/