Pumptopia V2 Liquidity Launch
They call themselves “shitcoin-as-a-service,” they will use their treasury to invest in shitcoins and distribute dividends to holders.
- Maximum supply: 10,000,000 PTPA
- Taxes
- According to Telegram announcements, for the first 24 hours, there will be a 0% tax on buys and 24% tax on sells
- Thereafter, 10% tax on all buys and sells
- All tax goes to the treasury
- The treasury will be invested 50% into “top tier” projects, and 50% into risky shitcoins
- PTPA holders will receive dividends from profits of treasury investments; there is no information on how often those dividends will be distributed, or what percent of profits will go to dividends
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/pumptopiaio
- Telegram: https://t.me/pumptopiaio
- Type of Audit, Review or KYC: Assure Defi - KYC, Solidity Finance
- Chart: https://dexscreener.com/ethereum/0xC0B182B2E06164568a3310Ca1086e9bf19209E6c
- Contract: https://etherscan.io/token/0xc0b182b2e06164568a3310ca1086e9bf19209e6c
- Audit / Review: https://solidity.finance/audits/Pumptopia/
- KYC: https://www.assuredefi.io/projects/pumptopia/