Psyop Coin Liquidity Launch
Liquidity launch on BSC for a memecoin.
As the Legend Ben once said, Let’s Break the Matrix Together 😈 Psyoptoken.bnb ENS acquired 🥇 Are you ready for PSYOP 😵💫? PSYOP is not just a meme. It’s a Movement. A Culture. A Community. Reached an all-time high of $2b on ETH. We are acquiring partnerships with individuals who pushed it there. Low max contri 🔥 0 Tax 🔥 Renounced Ca. Self-Sustainable P2E released within 1 week. Tier 1 CEX after launch. CMC in a few hours and Huge Celebrity Promotions 🌪 Vouched by major channels 👌
- Presale details
- Presale held on Pinksale
- Duration: 1 day(s)
- This was a fair launch presale; no hard cap
- Soft cap: 1 BNB
- Minimum contribution: no minimum BNB per wallet
- Maximum contribution: 0.4 BNB per wallet
- Presale and listing prices will be determined at the end of the presale
- Initial market cap will be determined at the end of the presale
- Listing on: PancakeSwap
- 51% of the presale funds will be added to liquidity
- Liquidity lock: 120 days
- Tokenomics
- PSYOP is the native token
- Total supply: 550,000,000,000 PSYOP
- 143,000,000,000 – presale
- 71,471,400,000 – liquidity
- 247,500,000,000 – burnt
- Remainder (~16%) to staking rewards and CEX listings, unlocking June 15, 2023
- No tax
Links & Resources
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