PolyRock Farm Launch
October 12 update – they switched masterchefs at launch to an unverified contract, which means no one can read or check the code. Investors are saying once they approve the contract, their wallets are being drained.
New farm launch.
- No max supply
- 0.1 ROCK / block
- No deposit fee if you stake before the farm starts
- 4% deposit fee for non-natives, 0% for natives after the farm starts
- No transfer tax
- Harvest lockup is 8 hours for non-natives and 6 hours for natives during the no deposit fee time period, no harvest lockup thereafter
- Type of Audit, Review or KYC: RugDoc - Some Risk
- Block Countdown: https://polygonscan.com/block/countdown/20010000
- Chart: https://polygon.poocoin.app/tokens/0x72f9ebc0ba6d64603621469258e6687f2c4921da
- Masterchef: https://polygonscan.com/address/0x31D76Cc72Ae65F2363a441B429E8E27F8558983C
- Audit / Review: https://rugdoc.io/project/polyrock-finance/