PinkBET WC Liquidity Launch
Token launch for a sports betting/prediction platform on BSC.
- Launch Details
- Token will launch on PancakeSwap
- Token pair: PinkBET/WBNB
- Listing rate: 7,995.344 PinkBET/BNB (~$0.034)
- Presale rate: same as listing rate
- 53.78 BNB raised in presale held on PinkSale (30 BNB soft cap)
- Vesting: 100% at TGE
- No private sale
- Initial circulating market cap: $21,000
- Initial liquidity (estimate): $15,000
- 51% of presale funds (~27 BNB) to liquidity
- 365 days lock on PinkSale
- Taxes: 3% buy | 3% sell
- Betting & staking dapp is live
- Mechanics & Features
- Betting – bet on sporting events for a chance to win a share of the rewards pool. First event is the World Cup 2022
- Staking – stake $PinkBET and earn dual $PinkBET and BNB rewards
- $PinkBET is the betting and rewards token
- Tokenomics
- Token symbol: PinkBET
- Total supply: 1,000,000
- 3% buy and sell tax (sent to marketing wallet)