PepePay Liquidity Launch
Liquidity launch on BSC for a PancakeSwap fork.
PepePay $PEPY, the most Utilizable meme in existance β92% in presale & Liquidity π§ πΈ STAKING πΈ IFO (Initial Farm Offerings) πΈ LAUNCHPAD πΈ DEX πΈ 0% Team Tokens πΈ Renounced & CEX optimized Contract π₯ nπ΅ Dextools Hot pairs Ads on Launch πΈ CMC/CG/CRYPTO.COM Trending π₯ 0% Buy and Sell Tax π₯Avedex Trending π΅ 2 Top tier CEX listing confirmations on LAUNCH π’β UTILITY LIVE ON LAUNCH β π’
- Presale details
- Presale was held on Pinksale
- Duration: 2 day(s), 3 hour(s)
- This is a fair launch presale; no hard cap
- Soft cap: 30 BNB
- Minimum contribution: no minimum BNB per wallet
- Maximum contribution: 10 BNB per wallet
- Presale and listing prices will be determined at the end of the presale
- Initial market cap will be determined at the end of the presale
- Listing on: PancakeSwap
- 51% of the presale funds will be added to liquidity
- Liquidity lock: 356 days
- Tokenomics
- $PEPY is the native token
- Total supply: 310,570,000,000 $PEPY
- 191,513,000,000 – presale
- 92,788,048,500 – liquidity
- No tax