Pepe Pulse Liquidity Launch
Liquidity launch on BSC.
With 8 hours remaining, the team has raised 101 $BNB in the presale thus far. Memecoin with no tax and no unlocked tokens at launch.
Experience the reigning glory of Pepe Pulse. AI technology and an innovative live wallet concept, setting new standards in the Pepe community. Live Wallet APP❇️SAFU CONTRACT DEV❇️Audit ❇️KYC ❇️Zero Tax ❇️Massive Marketing❇️Press Release❇️CMC/CG Booked❇️CEX Listing in process❇️ Trending❇️Backed byTier 1 Incubators❇️BNB Rewards❇️Tier 1 Twitter & Telegram Calls❇️Massive Launch❇️DexTools, Poocoin, Dexview Ads❇️Avedex Trending❇️20x on Launch❇️
- Presale details
- Presale held on Pinksale
- Duration: 1 day(s)
- This was a fair launch presale; no hard cap
- Soft cap: 50 BNB
- Minimum contribution: no minimum BNB per wallet
- Maximum contribution: no maximum BNB per wallet
- Presale and listing prices will be determined at the end of the presale
- Initial market cap will be determined at the end of the presale
- Listing on: PancakeSwap
- 51% of the presale funds will be added to liquidity
- Liquidity lock: 60 days
- Tokenomics
- PPP is the native token
- Total supply: 100,000,000 PPP
- 26,319,200 – presale
- 13,154,336.16 – liquidity
Links & Resources
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