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Nov 05 2022

TimePacific Time

12:20 pm

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Nov 05 2022
  • Time: 3:20 pm



Neo Sol Mint

A collection of 7,777 cyberpunk dealers on Solana, with 3333 minting in this release.

  • Mint Details
    • Mint price:
      • 1.9 SOL for public
      • 1.6 SOL for whitelist
      • 1.3 SOL for VIP / OG
      • 4100 $LABS (Launchlabs native token) for Launchlabs token holders
    • Supply: 7,777
      • 3,333 allocated to this sale
      • 2,000 allocated to presale
      • 2,000 reserved for to be released in tranches in the future (3-6 months)
      • 444 allocated to marketing/team
    • Mint schedule and mint limits per wallet:
      • VIP / OG – 5pm UTC – max 4 mints for VIP, 3 for OG
      • whitelist – 5:20pm UTC – max 2 mints
      • public – 7:20pm UTC – unlimited mints (opens if supply remains)
    • 10% creator’s royalties
    • Art reveal: unknown
  • NFT Utility & Benefits
    • Access to Neo Sol DAO and voting rights in the DAO
    • Holders are eligible for NFT airdrops that represent each volume/issue of the Neo Sol: Alpha manga
    • Discounted fees for holders on their planned Neo NFT marketplace
    • Whitelist allocations and a share of mint funds from their planned D.E.M. CORP Incubator & Launchpad
    • Free use of their planned Atlas-Intel wallet analysis app, which will provide projects with data about each and every wallet based on historical behaviour to enable them decide how to allocate whitelist spots
Links & Resources
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