Mozaic LBP
Liquidity bootstrapping pool for an omnichain, AI yield farming protocol.
- LBP location: Fjord Foundry
- Duration: 3 days
- Initial price: $0.06 / MOZ
- Starting weight: MOZ – 96% / ETH – 4%
- Ending weight: MOZ – 50% / ETH – 50%
- No vesting
- Tokenomics:
- 1B MOZ
- 8% – pre-seed sale
- 18%- core contributors
- 2% – advisors
- 4% – community raise
- 8% – LBP
- 58% – Mozaic DAO
- 2% – airdrop
- 2.5% tax on buys and sells
- 1% to liquidity
- 1.5% – DAO treasury
- 1B MOZ
Links & Resources
Contract Scanner Powered by De.Fi
Scanner Score: 77/100
- 🟡 Router hardcoded – Uniswap router is hardcoded in the contract
🟠Mintable – A large amount of this token can be minted by a private wallet or contract.
🟠Transfer Fee – A fee is charged upon transfering this token (up to 10%).
🟠Recently Deployed Contract – The smart contract was deployed less than 14 days ago.
🟢 Reentrancy Risk – Funds in this contract may be vulnerable to a hack through a reentrancy exploit.