Moon Ape Lab P2E Game Launch
New farm launch.
- To play the game, you will need a Moon Ape – they can be purchased on OpenSea, here
- Staked Moon Apes earn $MAL – the rarer Moon Apes earn more $MAL vs the common Moon Apes
- MAL tokens can be used to purchase upcoming NFT collections and “perks”
- Withdrawals to your Metamask are taxed 30%, but spending MAL in-game doesn’t incur a tax
- 40% of tax goes to Moon Ape Lab Pass holders
- 60% of tax goes to staked Moon Treasuries, on a weekly basis
- In-game MAL can be used to purchase:
- Loot Bags (max supply 5000)
- Loot Bags boost Ape staking rewards
- Loot Bags have rarity rankings, and rarer Loot Bags give bigger boosts
- Companion Pets
- Companion pets boost Ape staking rewards
- Pets have rarity rankings, and rarer pets give bigger boosts
- Owing all 8 rarities of Companion Pets guarantees you the ability to claim the Moon Ape Gen Z 3D collection
- Crypto Cola (18,000 available)
- Cola is used for breeding
- Rarer Crypto Colas produce rarer Mutant offspring
- Loot Bags (max supply 5000)
- MAL Treasury costs 0.3 ETH
- 15,000 MAL is rewarded at purchase
- 200 MAL is rewarded daily when staked
- 60% of withdrawal tax goes to Treasury stakers
- Moon Royale game – spin the wheel for prizes such as MAL tokens, leaderboard points, NFTs