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Home All Events - Ape O'Clock Monopoly Finance $POLY Liquidity Launch & Farm Start


Jun 02 2023


10:00 am

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Jun 02 2023
  • Time: 6:00 am



Monopoly Finance $POLY Liquidity Launch & Farm Start

Liquidity launch & farm start on Arbitrum for Layer 3 of the Monopoly Finance ecosystem, $POLY.


10am UTC – Liquidity launch, Golden Key Pool start

12pm – Farm start

No contract available at time of review (for POLY).

  • Presale Details
    • Presale will be held on Monopoly Finance and will last for 24 hours
    • Purchase token: USDC or DUO (previous layer native)
      • DUO Pool Details
        • Total raise: $20k / 1,000,000 DUO
        • POLY available: 800
        • Distribution: 40% POLY, 60% sPOLY
      • USDC Whitelist Pool Details
        • Total raise: $40k
        • POLY available: 1600
        • Distribution: 60% POLY, 40% sPOLY
      • USDC Public Pool Details
        • Total raise: $100k
        • POLY available: 4000
        • Distribution: 40% POLY, 640% sPOLY
    • Presale method: Overflow – if oversubscribed, final allocation is proportional to your share of the total contributions and any excess is refunded
    • Presale price: $25 / $POLY
    • Listing price: $25
    • Listing DEX: Chronos
    • Listing pair: POLY / USDC
    • Presale fund allocation (assuming hard cap met):
      • $90k for Initial liquidity
      • $50k to Golden Keys dividend pools
      • $20k of DUO will be bought back and burnt
    • Listing and farming begins June 2, once the presale ends
  • Mechanics & Features
    • Earn $POLY rewards from staking LP and single-side tokens
    • No fee on native farms/pools
    • 3% deposit fee on non-native farms/pools
    • 0% – 3% withdrawal fee non-native farms/pools and Golden Key dividend pools
    • 9.09% of emissions sent to the dev address for project growth and partnerships
    • Referral commission: 3% on referred user’s rewards
    • Fees will be distributed as; 40% to dev/marketing, 60% to Golden Keys dividend pools
    • Emission rate: 0.1 $POLY per second; subject to be reduced according to inflation
      • 10% to the eco commission
      • 3% to referral emissions
    • Golden Keys dividend pools – stake $POLY to earn alternative tokens such as USDC
  • Tokenomics
    • Token symbol: POLY
    • Max supply: 7,137,536 POLY
      • Initial supply: 10,400
        • 3600 — Liquidity
        • 6800 — Presale
    • sPOLY (staked POLY) can be deposited into Golden Key pools to earn USDC, ETH, BTC, USDT and ARB

