Minecraft Finance Mobs Mint
May 14 update – the site and all socials are gone.
A collection of 2,000 NFTs.
Launch is on May 11, time is TBA. This time is a placeholder.
- The docs aren’t linked from the site, you can find them here
- 75 FTM each
- NFTs provide:
- “Significant” APR boost in the boardroom
- Stackable, unspecified reward boosts in the farms
- Private access to a Minecraft server & 1 diamond pickaxe or sword in the general Minecraft server
- Access to private channels in the Discord
- Rarities (more rare gives higher boosts, but the amount of the boosts is TBA):
- 40% Common: cow, sheep and pig
- 30% Uncommon: wolf, villager, spider
- 17% Rare: creeper, zombie, skeleton
- 10% Super Rare: ghast, enderman, pigmin
- 3% Legendary: wither, ender dragon, herobrine
- Mobs mint proceeds will be distributed as follows:
- 30% to buyback and burn of PICKAXE
- 25% to marketing
- 25% to MIFI Duels game development
- 10% to create merch store
- 10% to the dev
- PICKAXE is the algostable, pegged to the price of MIM
- SWORD is the shares token, with a total supply of 50,001
- 4500 for the DAO, vested linearly over 300 days
- 4500 for the team, vested linearly over 300 days
- 41,000 for farming rewards
- 1 for initial liquidity
- SHOVEL is the bond token
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- Twitter: https://twitter.com/minecraft_defi
- Discord: https://discord.com/invite/bubzsMyWaY
- Chart: https://dexscreener.com/fantom/0xa4d30ba6409631422169aef81e0fa74a27c19e7f
- Chart: https://dexscreener.com/fantom/0x86dbdec62a6cc86d54a35d8f0134f2e2bc638864
- Contract: https://ftmscan.com/token/0x0EF6b876f951C3D6968D99D4423408A8bDd0E4bE