Lunar Rabbit Liquidity Launch
Launch of memecoin with road-mapped utilities on BSC.
- Launch Details
- Token will be listed on PancakeSwap
- Token pair: LunarRabbit/BNB
- Listing rate: 3,780,000 LunarRabbit/BNB (~$0.000078)
- Presale rate: 4,000,000 LunarRabbit/BNB (~0.0000745)
- 120 BNB hard cap filled in presale held on PinkSale
- Vesting: 100% at token launch
- No private sale
- Initial liquidity (estimate): $36,000
- 51% of presale funds (~61 BNB)
- 365 days lock on PinkSale
- Initial circulating market cap (estimate): $55,000
- Initial total market cap (estimate): $78,000
- Taxes: 6% buy | 6% sell
- 2% BUSD rewards on every buy and sell to be distributed to holders
- Mechanics & Utilities
- Road-mapped utilities includes; staking, NFT, P2E game
- Tokenomics
- Token symbol: LunarRabbit
- Total supply: 1,000,000,000
- 6% buy tax
- 3% — Marketing
- 3% — Team
- 6% sell tax
- 3% — Marketing
- 3% — Staking
- 10% wallet transfer tax
- 10% — Staking