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Home All Events - Ape O'Clock Libera Financial Angels Mint


Feb 08 2023


2:00 pm

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Feb 08 2023
  • Time: 9:00 am



Libera Financial Angels Mint

A collection of 5000 angels on BSC, providing passive income to holders.

  • Mint Details
    • Mint will be held on Libera Financial website, here
    • Mint can be paid with LIBERA-BUSD LP, BUSD, BNB or LIBERA
    • Mint price: 300 LIBERA-BUSD LP or an equivalent amount of BUSD, BNB or LIBERA
    • Supply: 1333 will be available in this drop
    • No maximum mint per wallet
    • NFTs will be tradeable on secondary marketplaces
    • Secondary sale: unknown
  • NFT Utility & Benefits
    • Holders will earn 1.5% daily yield in LIBERA-BUSD LP
      • yield is supported by Libera BUSD miner – the NFT investment pool will hold its own Miner position
      • payouts will begin on February 15, 2pm UTC
      • claim rewards daily
