Leprechaun Finance Genesis Pools Launch
New Tomb fork on Fantom.
- Genesis pools will last for 3 days; where 43,000 LEPR will be distributed as follows:
- 13,000 LEPR to LEPR-USDC LP stakers
- 6,000 LEPR to EAGLE stakers
- 6,000 LEPR to USDC stakers
- 6,000 LEPR to WFTM stakers
- 4,000 LEPR to DEUS stakers
- 4,000 LEPR to DEI stakers
- 4,000 LEPR to BASED stakers
- 1% deposit fee
- LEPR is the algostable, pegged to the price of USDC
- POT is the shares token; with 100,001 total supply
- 90,000 POT to staking pools distributed over 12 months
- 5,000 POT to DAO treasury vested linearly over 90 days
- 5,000 POT to dev team vested linearly over 90 days
- 1 POT for initial mint
- TBOND is the bond token
- LEPR token ownership has been renounced
❌ There is no contract or UI for the boardroom, and no information on when the boardroom will begin.
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- Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeprechaunFinan
- Discord: https://discord.gg/7DAMFZ7W
- Chart: https://dexscreener.com/fantom/0x3fC79a114CD01716AF6C734773686C2253e36b6B
- Chart: https://dexscreener.com/fantom/0x39FA14FA49Ca379aB72709E8aCAFB2C603D66a47
- Contract: https://leprechaun-finance.gitbook.io/leprechaun-finance/leprechaun-finance-protocol/contracts-and-wallets