Jin Network Liquidity Launch
Token launch on BSC, for a road-mapped web3 infrastructure built based on Aptos.
- Launch Details
- Token will launch on PancakeSwap
- Token pair: JIN/WBNB
- Listing rate: 642,731.259 JIN/BNB (~$0.00055)
- Presale rate: same as listing
- 232 BNB raised in presale held on PinkSale (100 BNB soft cap)
- No vesting for presale
- No private sale
- Initial circulating market cap: $136,000
- Initial liquidity (estimate): $106,000
- 65% of presale funds (~150.8 BNB) to liquidity
- 365 days lock on Pink Sale
- Taxes: 1% buy | 3% sell
- Tokenomics
- Token symbol: JIN
- Total supply: 1,000,000,000
- 14.93% — Presale (no lock)
- 9.5% — Liquidity (1 year lock)
- 28.2% — Mining pool (5% on 2023/02/15, then 3% monthly – lock info)
- 19.5% — Ecosystem building (3% on 12/05, then 2% monthly – lock info)
- 13% — CEX listing (30% on 2023/03/31, then 15% monthly – lock info)
- 7% — Marketing (5% on 11/28, then 10% monthly – lock info)
- 7% — Strategic partners (5% on 2023/02/07, then 10% monthly – lock info)
- 0.55% — Airdrop (2 days lock; 11/07 – lock info)
- 0.29% — Indicated as unlocked on PinkSale but locked on the contract
- No wallet transfer tax