Hotpot Finance Farm Launch
New farm launch with OHM-style bonding and Swift Finance inspired APR resets & burn pools.
- No max supply of MEAT
- 0.28 MEAT / block
- 10% of emissions to dev
- 2% referral commission
- 4% deposit fee for non-natives, 0% for natives
- 2% to dev
- 1.5% to Burn Pots (dividend pools that burn the deposited tokens)
- 0.5% to bonding
- 48 hours lock that incurs a 50% harvest fee if harvesting more than once during a 48 hour period
- Initial bonding pairs will be WBNB-MEAT and WBNB-BUSD
- Bonding will allow the treasury to own the majority of the MEAT liquidity
- Dividend pools called “Burn Pots” that will burn your deposited MEAT in exchange for BUSD
The time and date of the liquidity launch has not been announced.
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- Type of Audit, Review or KYC: RugDoc - Medium Risk
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