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Home All Events - Ape O'Clock Helio Cash LP Farms & Nodes Launch


Sep 06 2022

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8:00 pm

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Sep 06 2022
  • Time: 11:00 pm



Helio Cash LP Farms & Nodes Launch

New algorithmic stablecoin pegged 4000:1 to ETH on Polygon.

  • Farms (opens at 3am UTC)
    • Duration: 370 days
    • Stake LP tokens in the farms to earn $HSHARE
    • 23,800 $HSHARE distributed across the following pools;
      • 50% — $HELIO/WETH LP pool
      • 50% — $HSHARE/MATIC LP pool
    • No deposit or withdrawal fee
  • Boardroom
    • Stake $HSHARE in the boardroom to earn $HELIO rewards
    • During expansion, newly minted $HELIO rewards are distributed as follows;
      • 80% — Reward for boardroom stakers
      • 20% — DAO fund
      • 5% — Dev fund
      • ❌ The boardroom allocation as stated in the docs exceeds 100%. Allocations has not be set in the treasury contract
    • Boardroom only prints new rewards when TWAP > 1.01
    • Epoch duration: 6 hours
    • Staked $HSHARE locked for 6 epochs and $HELIO rewards locked for 3 epochs
  • Nodes (opens at 4pm UTC)
    • Lock up (single-stake) $HELIO in nodes to earn more $HELIO
    • $HELIO used to purchase Nodes is sent to the reward pool and distributed back to Staking Node owners at 3% of the total pool per day for a 400% maximum ROI
    • 5 Node tiers/pools available;
      • Nano Node costs 500 $HELIO (1 multiplier)
      • Mini Node costs 1000 $HELIO (2.1 multiplier)
      • Kilo Node costs 2000 $HELIO (4.41 multiplier)
      • Mega Node costs 4000 $HELIO (9.261 multiplier)
      • Giga Node costs 8000 $HELIO (19.4481 multiplier)
    • The multiplier is the bonus given to the pool share and only impacts the rate at which rewards are distributed
  • Tokens
    • $HELIO is the algo-stable, pegged 4000:1 to ETH
      • Initial supply: 768,001 allocated as follows:
        • 48,000 — Genesis farming
        • 672,000 — HELIO/WETH LP farming
        • 48,000 — Airdrop
        • 1 — Initial liquidity
    • $HSHARE is the shares token
      • Total supply: 29,000 allocated as follows:
        • 23,800 — Farming rewards (vested linearly over 370 days)
        • 2,200 — Community fund (vested linearly over 365 days — 6 $HSHARE/day)
        • 2,000 — Dev fund (vested linearly over 365 days — 5.8 $HSHARE/day)
        • 1,000 — Pre-mint for initial liquidity
    • $HBOND is the bond token
    • Operator transferred to Treasury for $HELIO [tx], $HSHARE [tx]

