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Home All Events - Ape O'Clock Harmony Nodes Launch


May 16 2022

TimePacific Time

2:30 pm

Your Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: May 16 2022
  • Time: 5:30 pm



Harmony Nodes Launch

May 17 update – they were unable to launch as scheduled due to a contract issue and will now be launching some time in the next 72 hours.

May 16 – launch “between 5:30pm and 9:30pm EST.”

May 16 – no updates.

May 9 update – launch delayed. Tentative new launch date is May 16.

New nodes project on HarmonyOne.

Launch is on May 10, time is TBA. This time is a placeholder.

  • Max supply: 600,000 HONE
  • During the presale, 1037 NFTs were minted at $200 each; they can be converted to nan nodes at launch
  • Node Tiers will be as follows:
    • Harmony Nano Node = 10 HONE (1% daily)
    • Harmony Pico Node = 20 HONE (1.15% daily)
    • Harmony Mega Node = 50 HONE (1.35% daily)
    • Harmony Giga Node = 100 HONE (1.75% daily)
  • HONE used to create a node is distributed as follows:
    • 25% to burn
    • 65% to the rewards pool
    • 10% to auto-liquidity
  • Users must own a node to sell HONE

