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Home All Events - Ape O'Clock Genopets NFT Launch


Nov 29 2021

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Nov 29 2021
  • Time: 12:00 pm



Genopets NFT Launch

3,333 genesis creatures to be used in their upcoming “move to earn” MMORPG; the game rewards players for exercising their mind and body.

  • 12 different body parts, 12 stages of evolution and 77+ levels
  • 1000 will be made available to Genopet Egg NFT holders to mint for free
  • 2333 will be made available via the Fair Launch protocol with a bid price of 5 – 50 $GENE
  • There is a 1 $GENE fee to participate in the Fair Launch Protocol, to deter bots
  • Genopets MUST be hatched within 1 week or it will “crack” and cannot be used
  • Only 1 Genopet can be hatched per wallet, if you own multiple eggs you will need to move them to separate wallets to hatch
