Gatsby Tools Mint
A collection of 4,000 access passes on Ethereum.
- Mint Details
- Mint will be held on the Gatsby website (mint link to be posted on their Discord)
- Mint price: 0.088 ETH
- Supply: 4,000
- Mint schedule and mint limits per wallet:
- whitelist – 3pm UTC – max 1 mint
- public – 5pm UTC – max 1 mint (opens if not sold out in prior mint phase)
- 7.5% creator’s royalties
- Art reveal: not applicable
- NFT Utility
- Access to the Gatsby NFT analytics & automation platform, which features;
- Real-time data for trending and minting projects
- Automated Sniper
- Private node (created by the Gatsby team) [will be available for use on the website or with personal wallets]
- Pending transaction tracking
- Graphs and analytics for every single collection
- Rarity tools
- Automatic multi-wallet mint bot
- Mass wallet creation
- ETH and NFT mass transfer
- Multiple modes for minting (flip state included)
- Wallet and task manager
- Wallet balance checker
- Surge: algorithm-driven alpha caller
- Vision: Twitter sentiment analytics powered by AI
- Lighthouse: market condition overview graphs and feeds
- Access to the Gatsby NFT analytics & automation platform, which features;