Farm Skylines Presale
Farming P2E on BSC.
They claim to be partnered with PancakeSwap, Unity, etc., which is unlikely.
- The presale will be held on Pinksale, here
- Total supply: 200,000,000 FSK
- 15% to private sale
- 1 BNB = 150,000 FSK
- 40% unlock at TGE, then 30 each month
- 30% to public sale
- 1 BNB = 100,000 FSK
- No vesting
- 10% to team and advisors
- 5% unlock at TGE
- 5% to partners
- 10% unlock at TGE
- 10% to marketing
- No lock
- 24% to liquidity
- 6% to staking rewards
- No lock
- 15% to private sale
- 12% transaction tax
- 8% to the reward pool
- 2% to liquidity
- 2% to marketing
- FSK is used for:
- Buying seeds
- Upgrading your field
- Buying & upgrading guards
- Building & upgrading ranches