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Home All Events - Ape O'Clock Dsync Liquidity Launch


Mar 07 2023


3:30 pm

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Mar 07 2023
  • Time: 10:30 am



Dsync Liquidity Launch

Token launch on Ethereum for AI-assisted freelance and project/task management platform.

Team says launch time is 3:30pm UTC, but countdown on the website appears to be using the browsers timezone, and is thus incorrect.

No contract available at time of review.

  • Launch Details
    • Initial circulating market cap: $192,500
    • Fully diluted market cap: $11,225,000
    • Initial liquidity: unknown
  • Mechanics & Features
    • Dsync provides an AI assisted freelance platform for collaboration between job givers and doers via token-funded micro-tasks (GitHub + Fiverr + Jira)
    • Create jobs/tasks for as low as $5
    • To create a task, tokens (e.g. native tokens, stablecoins, project tokens) are staked and are only released either on task deletion or completion
    • Each task is dsynchronous and can be done by multiple contributors at the same time
    • Validators need to stake a fixed amount of $DSYNC tokens to validate each task
    • 95% of the task amount is paid directly to the contributor, 5% to the platform
    • $DSYNC token utilities: incentives for holders, payment for service/product, staking rewards
  • Tokenomics
    • Token symbol: DSYNC
    • Total supply: 449,000,000
      • 3.34% — Seed sale (2 months cliff, then 12 months linear vesting – price: $0.015)
      • 3.56% — Private sale (1 month cliff, then 12 months linear vesting – price: $0.02)
      • 4.01% — Public sale (25% at TGE, then 6 months linear vesting – price: $0.025)
      • 22.27% — Treasury (2% on month 3, 2% on month 8, then linear vesting)
      • 20.04% — Validator rewards (1 month cliff, then linear vesting)
      • 12.25% — Team (12 month cliff, then linear vesting)
      • 11.14% — Marketing (1.2% at TGE, then linear vesting)
      • 8.9% — Liquidity
      • 7.35% — Staking rewards (1.2% at TGE, then linear vesting)
      • 2.67% — Contributor rewards (1 month cliff, then linear vesting)
      • 2.23% — Advisor (12 month cliff, then 25 months linear vesting
      • 2.23% — Reserve (as needed)
    • No taxes
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