Dragon Egg Farm Launch
New farm launch.
- No max supply
- 0.1 EGG / block
- 9.09% fo emissions to dev
- No transfer tax
- RugDoc and JagoSafer say there is a max 4% deposit fee, but there have been no pools added to the masterchef and the UI and docs have no information on what deposit fees will be – we can assume it’s 4%, but they could be lower
- No harvest lockup
- Type of Audit, Review or KYC: JagoSafer - Green Flag, RugDoc - Medium Risk
- Block Countdown: https://arbiscan.io/block/countdown/1579780
- Chart: https://www.defined.fi/arb/0x829bE9D139a45499ac120a9a4FC1C373b25CfbC8?cache=61bf3
- Contract: https://arbiscan.io/address/0x4D04d7B597D0b77A745B2B030CCa16e691Ad2488
- Audit / Review: https://rugdoc.io/project/dragon-egg/