Dragon Crypto Aurum Liquidity Launch
New layer for The Dragon’s Lair ecosystem.
The Aurum token will be used to purchase and trade character NFTs in the roadmapped Hunt for the Golden Dragon game, given as a reward for slaying the in-game Golden Dragon, to purchase more game turns in The Inn, and to play in the Tiny Dragons Arena and level up your Tiny Dragon NFT.
The token contract is being kept private until the liquidity launch.
- Listing price: $12.35 / DCAU
- Up to 5000 DCAU will be added for liquidity
- 50,000 DCAU were minted for holders of DREGG (previous layer token) to swap for DCAU, they will be able to redeem their pDCAU for DCAU 2 days after this liquidity launch on November 6, 11am UTC
- Max supply: 155,000 DCAU
- 0.0165 DCAU / second
- 5% of emissions to dev
- 10% of emissions for game rewards
- Liquidity to be locked with RugDoc

- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DRGNCRYPTOGAMIN
- Telegram: https://t.me/thedragonslairfarm
- Type of Audit, Review or KYC: RugDoc - KYC
Additional Notes:
RugDoc KYC was completed on their first layer.