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Home All Events - Ape O'Clock Defizer Fair & Farm Launch


Dec 03 2021

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8:40 am

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Dec 03 2021
  • Time: 11:40 am



Defizer Fair & Farm Launch

New farm launch. The farm will begin emitting DFZ rewards, at which point DFZ can be paired to create liquidity and earn more DFZ. In other words, the team has not pre-minted any DFZ for liquidity (this is the way farms were done back in the “old” days).

  • Max supply 60,000 DFZ
  • 0.0057 DFZ / block
  • 11.11% of emissions to dev
  • No deposit fees
  • 0.1% – 0.5% withdrawal fee
  • 3.5% performance fee
    • 2% to DFZ buyback and burn
    • 1.3% to dev
    • 0.2% to pay for vault transactions (compounding, etc.)
  • No transfer tax
  • No harvest lockup
