Davinci Finance Public Sale
March 2 update – the team has swapped to a different masterchef than they one they have listed in the docs, and that masterchef has a hidden pool ID 14 for the token “RIO.” The multiplier for RIO is 10000X, much higher than the 10x for other non-natives, and as such, that hidden pool will suck up the majority of the rewards. Finally, RIO was created by 0x48041Bc97F0a14c0c3C732C7b42ff52fAd6deD7, which is the same wallet that deployed the masterchef.
New farm launch.
- The presale will be held on DXSale and lasts for 2 hours
- Presale price: 5.8824 FTM / VINCI (0.17 VINCI per FTM)
- Listing rate: 8.333 FTM / VINCI (0.12 VINCI per FTM) on Spookyswap
- Hardcap: 5,000 FTM; softcap: 3,500 FTM
- Min contribution per wallet: 10 FTM; max 250 FTM
- 55% of funds raised in presale will be added in liquidity
- Max supply: 10,000 VINCI
- 850 VINCI for presale
- 330 VINCI for initial liquidity
- 0.05 VINCI / block
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- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DaVinciFantom
- Telegram: https://t.me/davincifinanceftm
- Chart: https://dexscreener.com/fantom/0xD1F6E3ed7F6932873B54Dde362e7c91852a0b008
- Masterchef: https://ftmscan.com/address/0xd0320d66337aee935f3bbf8831e041086dbc7adc#code
- Contract: https://ftmscan.com/address/0xD1F6E3ed7F6932873B54Dde362e7c91852a0b008