Chaotic DJs Mint
October 1 update – mint price reduced to 0.08 $ETH, and only 1000 will be available to mint in this drop. The remaining 9000 will mint “at a later date with a higher price.”
A new DJ and music community is launching a collection of 10,000 NFTs on Ethereum.
- Mint price:
0.20.08 $ETH - Minting will take place on Premint – here
- Maximum public supply: 10,000
- 4 public mints per wallet
- There will be 3 mint types– VIP list, Guestlist, and Public
- VIP mints at a price of 0.1 ETH, with a grantee supply of 1,000 and a maximum of 2 mints per wallet
- Guest mints at a price of 0.15 ETH, with a, first come first serve, supply between 7,000 to 8,000 NFTs and a maximum of 3 mints per wallet
- Public mints at a price of 0.2 ETH, with a remaining supply between 1,000 to 2,000 NFTs and a maximum of 4 mints per wallet
- NFTs characters are composed of 4 different animals: Tiger as male DJs, Bunny as female DJs, Wolf as club owners, and Ape as bouncers and security guarding
- Holders can get access to festivals, exclusive events, private parties, music education, mentorship programs, DeFi and other benefits to be announced
- They will have a utility token, $CHAOTIC, but details will be announced in the future