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Home All Events - Ape O'Clock BUSD Machine v3 Launch


Sep 15 2022

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7:00 am

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Sep 15 2022
  • Time: 10:00 am


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BUSD Machine v3 Launch

New ROI Miner launching on BSC, from the BUSD Machine & Token Miner team.

  • Deposit BUSD to mint BUSDM (BUSDM is the native token)
  • Stake BUSDM and earn daily ROI in BUSDM tokens
  • Withdraws/sell BUSDM in exchange for BUSD (subject to availability of funds in the contract balance for payment)
  • Daily ROI: 2.5%
  • Minimum deposit: 50 BUSD
  • No maximum deposit
  • 10% deposit fee
  • No withdrawal fee
  • 7 days dividends unstake cycle
  • 50% of BUSDM dividends can be unstaked every 7 days; 50% burnt
  • No withdrawal/sell limit
  • Initial BUSD deposit can not be withdrawn
  • 50,000 initial BUSDM tokens minted to team’s marketing wallet
    • 15,000 to influencers and their subscribers (for giveaways)
    • 10,000 to content created by the community
    • 6,000 to the team (1,500 each x4)
    • 5,000 to competitions
    • 14,000 to future use
