Blitz Labs BLITZ Liquidity Launch
New blockchain for the Midas DAO team, who are migrating from AVAX to BSC.
No contracts.
- Max supply: 270,000,000 BLITZ
- 177,982,100 BLITZ to airdrop
- 12,017,900 BLITZ to liquidity
- 40,000,000 BLITZ to community incentives
- 40,000,000 BLITZ to network growth fund
- Initial price: 0.065 BUSD / BLITZ on PancakeSwap
- BLITZ will be the governance token
- Buy & Sell tax: 0.3%
- You will be able to stake & farm BLITZ; with rewards paid out monthly in Stable Coins, the longer a user keeps their tokens in lock-up, the higher their dividend share will be
- Blitz Revenue Distribution System:
- 42.5% to Dividends
- 42.5% to Treasury
- 15% to liquidity