BabyPepe Liquidity Launch
Liquidity launch on BSC.
Memecoin with 3% tax (there is no information on where the tax goes), and no unlocked supply. With 112 hours left in the presale, they have raised 369 $BNB thus far.
😄Babypepe 🔔$BabyDoge 的开发者做出了一个令人惊讶的决定:用 $BabyPepe 取代 $BabyDoge。然而,这个决定却引发了一场意想不到的风暴。 💬过去两年,BabyDoge生态内的项目从游戏到赋能,经历了一次又一次的失败,腐败和内部冲突困扰着BabyDoge社区。 BabyPepe的出现无疑给持有者带来了一线希望。 💸💸💸💸💸💸 在古代,最不受宠的王子往往会继承王位,强大的社区共识最终会将BabyPepe推上王位。 buy:3 sell:3 全部拉盘销毁
- Presale details
- Presale held on Pinksale
- Duration: 2 day(s)
- This was a fair launch presale; no hard cap
- Soft cap: 10 BNB
- Minimum contribution: no minimum BNB per wallet
- Maximum contribution: 0.38 BNB per wallet
- Presale and listing prices will be determined at the end of the presale
- Initial market cap will be determined at the end of the presale
- Listing on: PancakeSwap
- 51% of the presale funds will be added to liquidity
- Liquidity lock: 180 days
- Tokenomics
- Babypepe is the native token
- Total supply: 100,000,000,000,000 Babypepe
- 66,666,666,666,666 – presale
- 32,299,999,999,999.676 – liquidity
Links & Resources
Contract Scanner Powered by De.Fi
Scanner Score: 31/100
- 🚨 Transfer Limit – The max/min amount of token transferred can be limited (max could be set to 0).
🛑 Transfer Fee – A fee is charged upon transfering this token (up to 25%).
🟠 Potential Honeypot – The contract contains external calls which cannot be analyzed by the scanner, and could be potentially dangerous. Please use caution when using this contract.
🟢 Whitelisting – The contract have functionality of whitelisting
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