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Home All Events - Ape O'Clock Arbitrum Janis DEX Farms Launch


Jun 14 2023


3:00 pm

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Jun 14 2023
  • Time: 11:00 am



Arbitrum Janis DEX Farms Launch

June 14 update – the contract was emitting too much J and was halted. Re-launch June 14 at 3pm UTC>

Farming emissions launch for a new revenue sharing DEX on Arbitrum.

  • Protocol Details
    • Stake Janis DEX LPs in the farms for J rewards
    • All pools and farms can emit J and WETH rewards (dual emissions), although the protocol will emit J only to start
    • JO Ownership Pool
      • Deposit JO for WETH rewards
      • Revenue for the JO Ownership Pool is collected as follows:
        • 50% of all trading fees
        • 67% of external revenue
        • 67% of non-Extinction Pool deposit fees
        • 67% of non-native deposit fees
      • Withdraw your deposit at any time
    • J Revenue Sharing Pool
      • Deposit J for WETH rewards
      • Revenue for the J Revenue Sharing Pool is collected as follows:
        • 33% of all trading fees
        • 10% of external revenue
        • 10% of non-Extinction Pool deposit fees
        • 10% of non-native deposit fees
      • Deposited J cannot be withdrawn, it is like a sacrifice or Extinction pool
    • Extinction Pools
      • Deposited tokens cannot be withdrawn (aka 100% deposit fee)
    • Stake NFTs to increase your farm/pool yield
    • Stake NFTs in NFT Pools for farming rewards in J
      • Any deposit fees are paid in WETH
      • Initial NFT Pools will use FarmerLand NFTs
    • Launchpad
    • 3% referral commission
  • Tokenomics
    • Janis Token
      • Total supply: 400,000 J
        • 100,000 – community fair launch
        • 100,000 – private sale
        • 90,000 – extinction pools
        • 50,000 – devs
        • 35,000 – ecosystem, development
        • 20,000 – partners
        • 5000 – community incentives
      • Utility
        • Reward for LP farms
        • Governance
        • Deposit J in the J Revenue Sharing pool to receive 33% of trading fees, and 10% of deposit fees & operating revenue
    • Janis Ownership Token
      • Initial supply: 100,000 JO
        • 67,000 – team
        • 10,000 – seed investors
        • 10,000 – private investors
        • 10,000 – community fair launch
        • 30,000 – ecosystem
      • Deposit JO in the Ownership pool to receive 1/2 of liquidated deposit fees, LP fees and operating revenue, in ETH
Links & Resources
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