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Oct 25 2022

TimePacific Time

11:00 am

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Oct 25 2022
  • Time: 2:00 pm



Aptos Monkeys Mint

A collection of 5,000 monkeys on Aptos, building a suite of products that help gamify or liquefy NFT communities.

The exact time for the public mint has not been announced, only that it is after the whitelist mint. The time has been set as the whitelist mint. Check for updates on their social channels.

  • Mint Details
    • Mint price: 7.77 APT
    • Supply: 7,777
    • Mint schedule and mint limits per wallet:
      • whitelist- 6pm UTC – max mint ranges from 1-3 depending on the whitelist role (guaranteed mint)
      • public – TBA
    • 0% creator’s royalties
    • Art reveal: unknown
  • NFT Utility & Benefits
    • No information available on the utility or benefits of the Aptos Monkeys NFTs, however, Aptos Monkeys is planning on building products such as;
      • Rafflor – NFT raffle system (already live)
      • Lendor – liquidity for NFT loan pools
      • Alertor – NFT floor alert systems in collaboration with wallet partners
      • Jungler – NFT DAO tooling/voting systems with forum capabilities
      • Palette – auction systems for 1/1 artists

