Aptos Drippy Dragons Mint
A collection of 5,555 dragons on Aptos.
No website, so linking to their Twitter.
- Mint Details
- Mint will be held on their site in collaboration with Ragin’ Roosters (mint link to be posted on their Discord)
- Mint price:
- 1.3 APT for public
- 0.8 APT for whitelist
- Supply: 5,555
- Mint schedule and mint limits per wallet:
- whitelist – 2pm UTC – max 1 mint
- public – 4pm UTC
- 0% creator’s royalties
- Art reveal: unknown
- NFT Utility & Benefits
- NFT staking to earn native $DRIP token, which can be used to transform your NFT trait, e.g. change to a pixel skin
- Access to private Discord channels with alpha, and whitelist giveaways