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Oct 21 2022

TimePacific Time

8:00 am

Your Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Oct 21 2022
  • Time: 11:00 am



Aptoads Mint

A collection of 6,969 pixelated toads on Aptos.

  • Mint Details
    • Mint will be held on their website, here
    • Mint price:
      • 12.9 APT for public
      • 9.9 APT for whitelist
    • Supply: 6,969
    • Mint schedule and mint limits per wallet:
      • whitelist – 12pm UTC – max 2 mints
      • public – 3pm UTC – unlimited mints (FCFS)
    • Art reveal: unknown
    • Secondary marketplace: Topaz
    • Holders will be able to check the rarity of their toads on the rarity tool on their website
    • Future development includes; a custom marketplace (“Pond”) for trading Aptoads with zero marketplace fees
  • NFT Utility
    • Access to exclusive whitelist spots from partner projects
    • Access to private alpha channels on Discord

